Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Madness

Too Bad Purdue Dropped out.

Anyway, these are the results after I take 20%. I'll continue to do my best not to lose your money. Thanks for being a limited partner.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28th (Short month)

These would be the returns thus far after fees.

There are still a lot of opportunities out there that are ridiculously undervalued. Good news is that the deal-flow of opportunities across my desk is probably only going to increase from here into the next year.

I intend to turn most of them down, but if I can find things that I can't justify not owning, I'm going to go ahead and put money where my mouth is.

As always, I'll continue to focus on not losing your money.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January, Finally, a DOWN month

There's a lot I could say about the last month, but there are several sayings that wrap together a lot of my sentiment. They go something to the tune of, when things are getting better, you tend to overlook shortcomings. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

Going forward, doing nothing is still an option that I feel will not lose my partners' money. That said, I think that I can take advantage of the inherent volatility of the securities that I tend to invest in a lot better. This would result in less risk for my investors and that's what i intend to do.

What good is the past if you're not willing to use it to guide your future?

I reserve the right for these numbers to be wrong as well, as E*Trade doesn't issue the 1099's till tomorrow... so, the correct ones should be in the February post.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Closing 2009 (Dec 31)

Hey, I'm sitting in Cairo Egypt. Sorry if I missed any of your calls. It's pretty crazy out here. Anyway, this is what is you get after I take 20%.

I do want to say that I reserve the right to be wrong on these numbers, as they are year ending and I'm going to have an accountant verify them to close out the year but am pretty sure that they are correct. Part of this reserve is the fact that I'm mildly disorientated because I'm in another country I suppose.

I'll do my best to continue to not lose your money, as always.


Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30th Results

November results actually aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. This was definitely the craziest month so far in terms of bad surprises.

Friday, October 30, 2009

GS Update

After I take 20%.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30th Tracker

These results are after I take my 20%. This may be the last time I post monthly results as I don't want to disappoint people if GSI outperforms GSII or vice versa going forward. I need to think about it and ask both sets of LPs.

Glen is NOT a financial advisor. This is NOT an advertisement. Results may vary.